A software product manager commits to the renewable energy transition
This is the story of my path into the renewable energy space and how I am navigating my career for the next decade.
Updated Climate & Energy Podcast List
No two people ramp up on new topics in exactly the same way but for those that enjoy audio-based information gathering, I have been sharing this curated list of podcasts.
My RE POV in April 2021
This point-of-view represents my current understanding of the renewable energy space as it is coupled to the larger Energy Transition movement and ultimately being propelled by the looming(!) climate crisis.
Waypoint 2
Resources for ramping up on clean power, renewable energy, the electricity infrastructure, climate science | list of helpful and informative books, audiobooks and podcasts
Visiting Hetch Hetchy Valley to learn about hydroelectric power
I like to venture outdoors and explore the wonders of the natural world. Yosemite National Park is one of my all-time favorite destinations and on this most recent trip, I got the chance to also visit the Hetch Hetchy Valley next door and to learn more about the controversial decision to intentionally flood a region to provide clean water and reliable power to the residents of San Francisco.
Why I invested in Manta Biofuels
Manta Biofuel is pursuing a renewable alternative to jet fuel that has the potential to scale to meet the needs of the airline industry and that leverages much of the existing infrastructure already in place! I was so intrigued that I ultimately became an early investor in the company.
Solar power, intermittency and energy storage
If you’re curious about trying to go off-grid and supply your own electricity from seemingly attractive renewable energy options like solar panels, you will quickly gain an appreciation for the inherent challenges of intermittency and the value of reliable power from (battery) storage. You will also get closer to understanding how similar those challenges are for millions of people around the world who currently live without access to reliable electricity.
Waypoint 1
Nuclear energy is technically clean energy | All fossil fuels are technically renewable | Like with real estate, energy production is all about location, location, location | People will protest any/all forms of energy
1st Post: the Renewable Path?
At the beginning of 2021, I made an earnest decision that will certainly impact my life and my career for the next decade. I am joining in on the global Energy Transition movement and more specifically, I am focusing my energy in both my personal and professional life to head down a renewable path.