A software product manager commits to the renewable energy transition

This is the story of my path into the renewable energy space and how I am navigating my career for the next decade.

Visiting Hetch Hetchy Valley to learn about hydroelectric power
My Own Path, Renewable Energy Steven Jones My Own Path, Renewable Energy Steven Jones

Visiting Hetch Hetchy Valley to learn about hydroelectric power

I like to venture outdoors and explore the wonders of the natural world. Yosemite National Park is one of my all-time favorite destinations and on this most recent trip, I got the chance to also visit the Hetch Hetchy Valley next door and to learn more about the controversial decision to intentionally flood a region to provide clean water and reliable power to the residents of San Francisco.

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Why I invested in Manta Biofuels
Renewable Energy Steven Jones Renewable Energy Steven Jones

Why I invested in Manta Biofuels

Manta Biofuel is pursuing a renewable alternative to jet fuel that has the potential to scale to meet the needs of the airline industry and that leverages much of the existing infrastructure already in place! I was so intrigued that I ultimately became an early investor in the company.

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Solar power, intermittency and energy storage

Solar power, intermittency and energy storage

If you’re curious about trying to go off-grid and supply your own electricity from seemingly attractive renewable energy options like solar panels, you will quickly gain an appreciation for the inherent challenges of intermittency and the value of reliable power from (battery) storage. You will also get closer to understanding how similar those challenges are for millions of people around the world who currently live without access to reliable electricity.

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Ivanpah changed what I know about solar power
Renewable Energy, My Own Path Steven Jones Renewable Energy, My Own Path Steven Jones

Ivanpah changed what I know about solar power

What I find most interesting is that concentrating solar power (CSP) plants represent a completely different way of harnessing the sun’s energy. Most of us associate solar power with photovoltaic (PV) panels like those on many houses and buildings. But researchers have been looking at other options too and while they don’t yet enjoy the same level of success as PV panels, they are viable options.

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